Samantha Zellner
My name is Sammy Zellner, and I am running to be the President of UNT SWE next year. I am currently a Sophomore Materials Science Major, and I am also currently serving as UNT SWE’s Event Coordinator. This year, I have been one of the most active officers in expanding UNT SWE’s community outreach. I started two major volunteer events- Denton HS Tutoring and our After School Program. Both of these programs have had an immense impact on both UNT SWE and the Denton community- our fellow SWE-sters have impacted the lives of many students in our community, and the students that we have served have helped shaped all of our volunteers. I have also worked to increase our internal relations by hosting multiple professional development and social events for our section, including but not limited to: POWER Week (our Fall recruitment campaign), One Busy Girl Workshops, City Parc Lock-In (last fall), $2 Bowling Night (earlier this Spring), and, most importantly, our annual End-Of-Year Banquet. If elected as President next year, I will work to continue to increase our internal relations by getting section shirts, holding more inclusive general meetings, and making sure there are more social events. I will also continue to expand our community outreach by hosting a Mock Symposium for Denton High School (which will also provide a mentoring opportunity for SWE members) and by securing a corporate sponsor for our After School Program. For these reasons, please vote for me as your 2016-2017 UNT SWE President!
Vice President
Elizabeth Ashley
I want to be apart of the UNT SWE officer committee because of the passion I have for the success of women in STEM fields. I believe that my experiences at the SWE national conference, my contribution in planning with the event committee, and my involvement with Design Your World has prepared me to be a great leader in the UNT SWE chapter. Additionally, I also believe that the knowledge of networking and the interview process gained through my previous job will allow me to help provide more professional development workshops and networking events for the chapter.
Some of these events would include:
• More outreach events to help young women gain knowledge in STEM
• More involvement with Dallas SWE
• More company recruiters at general meetings
• More DFW company tours
• A research project/competition to apply in class material and combine knowledge from the different STEM majors to applicable engineering
I feel that these events can help grow the chapter setting up the next generation for continued success. I would also like to open times in the general meetings for the entire section to make suggestions for companies they want to visit, workshops to be held, as well as social and school events.
Alyssa Thurston
During the 2015-2016 school year, UNT SWE has been led by some fantastic officers who have changed and reshaped the identity of our organization. For example, Sammy Zellner revamped the Events Coordinator position and made our chapter’s outreach better match our philanthropy and Haley Barnes helped to improve the flow of the General Meetings. Both of these things are things that directly relate to the office of the Vice President, and both of these are things that I want to continue improving, in lieu of other things.
One of the things I want to do is continue increasing our publicity. To do this, I will utilize the Public Relations Chair, help plan for a Conference in Spring 2018, and also utilize our Philanthropy and Networking chairs. Increasing publicity means that the Chapter will grow into something even greater than it is today. Another thing I want to do as Vice President is continue bringing in great speakers for General Meetings so that our members can learn something each and every meeting that they attend.
This being said, I encourage the members of the UNT chapter of SWE to vote for me as their Vice President. I also encourage them to vote in favor of continuing a legacy that has been left by previous executive boards, and I feel that I would be able to do just that as the Vice President of this chapter.
Jessica Lanier
Alyssa Thurston
The secretary is the person who is in charge of making documents and keeping all chapter records and paperwork up to date. A secretary could also be known as a “professional paper pusher,” but the secretary of SWE does much more than simply push papers. Some of the documents that the Secretary of SWE is in charge of making and updating include the agendas and minutes of general and officer meetings, the points tracker, and flyers for Chapter events. I’ve held this position for only a few months, and yet I was able to improve a few things while holding this position, but somethings are not where I want them to be just yet.
In lieu of continuing to update the current documents, I want to update some systems that we have in place currently. I want to provide members with the ability to check their standing in points more easily than emailing the secretary to find out. I would also like to make sure that our web presence is unified across social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Ensuring unification means that members can get the same information no matter the social media network they use. Lastly, I want to increase the publicity of our Chapter happenings through the use of flyers and social media.
This being said, I encourage UNT SWE members to vote for me as the secretary so I can continue some of the great things I’ve started, and so that business isn’t left unfinished.
Karla Lara
I want to be the secretary for SWE because I would like to help with the organization of everything SWE does. I am excited to take notes, keep records and take care of any other paperwork so that everything we do is easily accessible and successful. As a natural organizer and an individual who pays close attention to detail, I am confident and more than happy to play this role in SWE.
Philanthropy Chair
Sheena Lindorm
Hey SWEsters! My name is Sheena Lindorm and I am a freshman studying Mechanical and Energy Engineering. I am running for Philanthropy Chair for the upcoming year. Some fun facts about myself are that I am addicted to chocolate and absolutely love elephants! At the beginning of this year I was worried about making friends and feeling outnumbered as a women in engineering. But after joining the After School Program through SWE, I no longer had these worries. I found great friends and perfect people to go to for advice about engineering. Confidence, leadership, and working with others are just a few things I have gained. I want to recruit and lead other SWE members and freshman to grow the after school committee. As we empower ourselves, we can empower the children in our community. I love seeing the children’s faces when they are excited about engineering and I am jealous that I didn’t have that when I was their age. Programs like the After School Program and Design Your World allow kids to be introduced to the STEM fields early on. I want to be a part of spreading the knowledge about STEM fields and destroying the stigma that it is only for guys. Vote for me for philanthropy chair because I will not only make a difference in the community but make a difference for the members of SWE.
Networking Chair
Elizabeth Ashley
I want to be apart of the UNT SWE officer committee because of the passion I have for the success of women in STEM fields. I believe that my experiences at the SWE national conference, my contribution in planning with the event committee, and my involvement with Design Your World has prepared me to be a great leader in the UNT SWE chapter. Additionally, I also believe that the knowledge of networking and the interview process gained through my previous job will allow me to help provide more professional development workshops and networking events for the chapter.
Some of these events would include:
• More outreach events to help young women gain knowledge in STEM
• More involvement with Dallas SWE
• More company recruiters at general meetings
• More DFW company tours
• A research project/competition to apply in class material and combine knowledge from the different STEM majors to applicable engineering
I feel that these events can help grow the chapter setting up the next generation for continued success. I would also like to open times in the general meetings for the entire section to make suggestions for companies they want to visit, workshops to be held, as well as social and school events.
Aubri Frost
I have been involved with SWE for a few years and would like to be more involved than I already am. I believe I am a good candidate for the Public Relations Chair and Networking Chair because my internship at Disney helped me improve my communication skills and professional skills. As part of the board of SWE, I would like to share everything I learned with you.
Communication is extremely important to me and not only do I enjoy talking, but I make sure everyone understands what I’m talking about. If someone has questions about SWE, I will always make sure they fully understand the answer I give them. There are a lot of resources at UNT that I could use to help recruit new members for SWE. As Public Relations Chair, I will attend events, make posters, keep everyone updated on social media, etc. to make SWE even more known around UNT.
When talking to engineers, it’s easy to get a business card. It’s not always easy following up and building relationships with your peers. As Networking Chair, I want to hold sessions to improve our networking skills, talk about the importance of professionalism, and help teach about how to make a lasting impression. This year, Sammy has done an amazing job of getting involved around Denton and not only are we helping others but these opportunities are great for networking. I would like to continue our involvement and create new opportunities for SWE.
Public Relations Chair
Karla Lara
I am seeking the Public Relations position because I would like to be part of the effort to both benefit SWE by growing the number of members and to benefit future members with what SWE has to offer to them. For SWE to be able to do the wonderful things it does, it first needs the wonderful ladies that it takes to do those things. Personally, especially after attending regional conference for the first time earlier this year, I am so proud and aware of how much our chapter does and is recognized for. Through the Public Relations position, I feel like I would contribute to the maintaining those expectations by representing SWE in as many school events possible to make our presence known and encourage those interested to join. I am positive I have the right skills to do this because I know that I can convey my enthusiasm about SWE to others.
Aubri Frost
I have been involved with SWE for a few years and would like to be more involved than I already am. I believe I am a good candidate for the Public Relations Chair and Networking Chair because my internship at Disney helped me improve my communication skills and professional skills. As part of the board of SWE, I would like to share everything I learned with you.
Communication is extremely important to me and not only do I enjoy talking, but I make sure everyone understands what I’m talking about. If someone has questions about SWE, I will always make sure they fully understand the answer I give them. There are a lot of resources at UNT that I could use to help recruit new members for SWE. As Public Relations Chair, I will attend events, make posters, keep everyone updated on social media, etc. to make SWE even more known around UNT.
When talking to engineers, it’s easy to get a business card. It’s not always easy following up and building relationships with your peers. As Networking Chair, I want to hold sessions to improve our networking skills, talk about the importance of professionalism, and help teach about how to make a lasting impression. This year, Sammy has done an amazing job of getting involved around Denton and not only are we helping others but these opportunities are great for networking. I would like to continue our involvement and create new opportunities for SWE.
Samantha Zellner
My name is Sammy Zellner, and I am running to be the President of UNT SWE next year. I am currently a Sophomore Materials Science Major, and I am also currently serving as UNT SWE’s Event Coordinator. This year, I have been one of the most active officers in expanding UNT SWE’s community outreach. I started two major volunteer events- Denton HS Tutoring and our After School Program. Both of these programs have had an immense impact on both UNT SWE and the Denton community- our fellow SWE-sters have impacted the lives of many students in our community, and the students that we have served have helped shaped all of our volunteers. I have also worked to increase our internal relations by hosting multiple professional development and social events for our section, including but not limited to: POWER Week (our Fall recruitment campaign), One Busy Girl Workshops, City Parc Lock-In (last fall), $2 Bowling Night (earlier this Spring), and, most importantly, our annual End-Of-Year Banquet. If elected as President next year, I will work to continue to increase our internal relations by getting section shirts, holding more inclusive general meetings, and making sure there are more social events. I will also continue to expand our community outreach by hosting a Mock Symposium for Denton High School (which will also provide a mentoring opportunity for SWE members) and by securing a corporate sponsor for our After School Program. For these reasons, please vote for me as your 2016-2017 UNT SWE President!
Vice President
Elizabeth Ashley
I want to be apart of the UNT SWE officer committee because of the passion I have for the success of women in STEM fields. I believe that my experiences at the SWE national conference, my contribution in planning with the event committee, and my involvement with Design Your World has prepared me to be a great leader in the UNT SWE chapter. Additionally, I also believe that the knowledge of networking and the interview process gained through my previous job will allow me to help provide more professional development workshops and networking events for the chapter.
Some of these events would include:
• More outreach events to help young women gain knowledge in STEM
• More involvement with Dallas SWE
• More company recruiters at general meetings
• More DFW company tours
• A research project/competition to apply in class material and combine knowledge from the different STEM majors to applicable engineering
I feel that these events can help grow the chapter setting up the next generation for continued success. I would also like to open times in the general meetings for the entire section to make suggestions for companies they want to visit, workshops to be held, as well as social and school events.
Alyssa Thurston
During the 2015-2016 school year, UNT SWE has been led by some fantastic officers who have changed and reshaped the identity of our organization. For example, Sammy Zellner revamped the Events Coordinator position and made our chapter’s outreach better match our philanthropy and Haley Barnes helped to improve the flow of the General Meetings. Both of these things are things that directly relate to the office of the Vice President, and both of these are things that I want to continue improving, in lieu of other things.
One of the things I want to do is continue increasing our publicity. To do this, I will utilize the Public Relations Chair, help plan for a Conference in Spring 2018, and also utilize our Philanthropy and Networking chairs. Increasing publicity means that the Chapter will grow into something even greater than it is today. Another thing I want to do as Vice President is continue bringing in great speakers for General Meetings so that our members can learn something each and every meeting that they attend.
This being said, I encourage the members of the UNT chapter of SWE to vote for me as their Vice President. I also encourage them to vote in favor of continuing a legacy that has been left by previous executive boards, and I feel that I would be able to do just that as the Vice President of this chapter.
Jessica Lanier
Alyssa Thurston
The secretary is the person who is in charge of making documents and keeping all chapter records and paperwork up to date. A secretary could also be known as a “professional paper pusher,” but the secretary of SWE does much more than simply push papers. Some of the documents that the Secretary of SWE is in charge of making and updating include the agendas and minutes of general and officer meetings, the points tracker, and flyers for Chapter events. I’ve held this position for only a few months, and yet I was able to improve a few things while holding this position, but somethings are not where I want them to be just yet.
In lieu of continuing to update the current documents, I want to update some systems that we have in place currently. I want to provide members with the ability to check their standing in points more easily than emailing the secretary to find out. I would also like to make sure that our web presence is unified across social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Ensuring unification means that members can get the same information no matter the social media network they use. Lastly, I want to increase the publicity of our Chapter happenings through the use of flyers and social media.
This being said, I encourage UNT SWE members to vote for me as the secretary so I can continue some of the great things I’ve started, and so that business isn’t left unfinished.
Karla Lara
I want to be the secretary for SWE because I would like to help with the organization of everything SWE does. I am excited to take notes, keep records and take care of any other paperwork so that everything we do is easily accessible and successful. As a natural organizer and an individual who pays close attention to detail, I am confident and more than happy to play this role in SWE.
Philanthropy Chair
Sheena Lindorm
Hey SWEsters! My name is Sheena Lindorm and I am a freshman studying Mechanical and Energy Engineering. I am running for Philanthropy Chair for the upcoming year. Some fun facts about myself are that I am addicted to chocolate and absolutely love elephants! At the beginning of this year I was worried about making friends and feeling outnumbered as a women in engineering. But after joining the After School Program through SWE, I no longer had these worries. I found great friends and perfect people to go to for advice about engineering. Confidence, leadership, and working with others are just a few things I have gained. I want to recruit and lead other SWE members and freshman to grow the after school committee. As we empower ourselves, we can empower the children in our community. I love seeing the children’s faces when they are excited about engineering and I am jealous that I didn’t have that when I was their age. Programs like the After School Program and Design Your World allow kids to be introduced to the STEM fields early on. I want to be a part of spreading the knowledge about STEM fields and destroying the stigma that it is only for guys. Vote for me for philanthropy chair because I will not only make a difference in the community but make a difference for the members of SWE.
Networking Chair
Elizabeth Ashley
I want to be apart of the UNT SWE officer committee because of the passion I have for the success of women in STEM fields. I believe that my experiences at the SWE national conference, my contribution in planning with the event committee, and my involvement with Design Your World has prepared me to be a great leader in the UNT SWE chapter. Additionally, I also believe that the knowledge of networking and the interview process gained through my previous job will allow me to help provide more professional development workshops and networking events for the chapter.
Some of these events would include:
• More outreach events to help young women gain knowledge in STEM
• More involvement with Dallas SWE
• More company recruiters at general meetings
• More DFW company tours
• A research project/competition to apply in class material and combine knowledge from the different STEM majors to applicable engineering
I feel that these events can help grow the chapter setting up the next generation for continued success. I would also like to open times in the general meetings for the entire section to make suggestions for companies they want to visit, workshops to be held, as well as social and school events.
Aubri Frost
I have been involved with SWE for a few years and would like to be more involved than I already am. I believe I am a good candidate for the Public Relations Chair and Networking Chair because my internship at Disney helped me improve my communication skills and professional skills. As part of the board of SWE, I would like to share everything I learned with you.
Communication is extremely important to me and not only do I enjoy talking, but I make sure everyone understands what I’m talking about. If someone has questions about SWE, I will always make sure they fully understand the answer I give them. There are a lot of resources at UNT that I could use to help recruit new members for SWE. As Public Relations Chair, I will attend events, make posters, keep everyone updated on social media, etc. to make SWE even more known around UNT.
When talking to engineers, it’s easy to get a business card. It’s not always easy following up and building relationships with your peers. As Networking Chair, I want to hold sessions to improve our networking skills, talk about the importance of professionalism, and help teach about how to make a lasting impression. This year, Sammy has done an amazing job of getting involved around Denton and not only are we helping others but these opportunities are great for networking. I would like to continue our involvement and create new opportunities for SWE.
Public Relations Chair
Karla Lara
I am seeking the Public Relations position because I would like to be part of the effort to both benefit SWE by growing the number of members and to benefit future members with what SWE has to offer to them. For SWE to be able to do the wonderful things it does, it first needs the wonderful ladies that it takes to do those things. Personally, especially after attending regional conference for the first time earlier this year, I am so proud and aware of how much our chapter does and is recognized for. Through the Public Relations position, I feel like I would contribute to the maintaining those expectations by representing SWE in as many school events possible to make our presence known and encourage those interested to join. I am positive I have the right skills to do this because I know that I can convey my enthusiasm about SWE to others.
Aubri Frost
I have been involved with SWE for a few years and would like to be more involved than I already am. I believe I am a good candidate for the Public Relations Chair and Networking Chair because my internship at Disney helped me improve my communication skills and professional skills. As part of the board of SWE, I would like to share everything I learned with you.
Communication is extremely important to me and not only do I enjoy talking, but I make sure everyone understands what I’m talking about. If someone has questions about SWE, I will always make sure they fully understand the answer I give them. There are a lot of resources at UNT that I could use to help recruit new members for SWE. As Public Relations Chair, I will attend events, make posters, keep everyone updated on social media, etc. to make SWE even more known around UNT.
When talking to engineers, it’s easy to get a business card. It’s not always easy following up and building relationships with your peers. As Networking Chair, I want to hold sessions to improve our networking skills, talk about the importance of professionalism, and help teach about how to make a lasting impression. This year, Sammy has done an amazing job of getting involved around Denton and not only are we helping others but these opportunities are great for networking. I would like to continue our involvement and create new opportunities for SWE.