Our last general meeting brought about two Peterbilt representatives; Allison Mbambi, an HR rep and Brianne Martin, an engineer at Peterbilt.
They both went through the best way to present yourself online, in interviews and on paper as well.
Here are some resume tips:
1) Formatting:
- One page is desirable but two pages max
- No color, only stripped down to black, white, and gray print
- Use heavy resume grade paper!! It may not seem like much but in a mountain high stack of resumes, quality of paper really stands out!
- Use crisp, clear font that is consistent throughout
2) What to include:
- In the header you should use your campus email because it lets them know if you are local to the area and may up your chances on getting that job or internship
- Have a quick summary of your goals. Make sure it is specific to the job/internship you are applying for
- A skills section is vital and include non-engineering stuff because it shows that you not just engineer focused, but have a life. Make sure you can explain your skills in an engineering aspect. For example, if your skill is knitting, how does this pertain to engineering? Well knitting requires great precision and detailed work which is what skills come in handy in any engineering field! TA DAH!
- any experience includes jobs held and projects you've done in classes
Until next time!